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Smile Zone

Multispeciality Dental & Orthodontic Center, Kalimati

Complete Denture

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Wellbeing Hospital

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- Josh Billings

Complete dentures consist of two main parts, namely the artificial teeth and the denture base. As described previously, an artificial tooth is used to restore the appearance of the natural tooth, its occlusion, oral function, and to assist in word pronunciation. The dental base is the foundation of the artificial tooth and can be used to restore the defective soft and hard tissues. Biting force is distributed from the artificial tooth through the denture base to the oral mucosa and bone tissues. Since tooth support cannot be obtained, the denture base of complete dentures covers a larger area of oral mucosa than that of RPDs complete dentures can fulfill all of these functions. Unlike RPD’s, with complete dentures connectors are not used as there is no need for space to install a major connector onto the complete denture, and minor connectors cannot be used since no healthy abutment is available.